Other Bell recordings

Below are some recordings of a number of rings of bells - usually from peals or peal attempts. 

My recordings are made using a Creative Labs Nomad 3 mp3 player / recorder using a simple non-amplified microphone. Wherever possible I place the microphone out of the ringing chamber (usually in the clock room or an intermediate chamber) so that calls from the conductor, rope noise and ribald comments from the rest of the band do not spoil the ringing.

The recordings are then uploaded to the PC and hiss or rumble removed using the program Cool Edit 2000.


Birchington-on-Sea, Kent. Quex Park
Cambridge S Maximus - Kent County Association Peal - August 3rd 2002

Canterbury - Cathedral
Bristol S Maximus - Kent County Association Peal - August 3rd 2002

London - St Paul's Cathedral
Stedman Cinques - Non-Association Peal New Year's Day 2003

Minster-in-Thanet, Kent
7 Doubles - Kent County Association Peal - October 6th 2002 (recorded from the ringing room)

Wrotham, Kent
8 Spliced S Major - Kent County Association Peal - December 23rd 2000
The ignominious end of Holt's Original - July 7th 2001 (listen for the tenor clapper!!)